A Thank You To My Online Family
What a year, this week marks a year I found I had cancer once
again. I went to our local hospital A&E after weeks of suffering with pains
in my hip, with my past medical problems they immediately did all the tests
bloods, MRI, ETC. Going in to A&E on the Monday and leaving on the Friday
knowing I had the worst news ever, I was done with it all I just wanted give
I already had fought Leukaemia when I was 5 and I didn't
want to go through the pain, stress and treatment of it all, I just wanted to
live my life my way. Getting little sympathy from the Doctors I then turned to
friends (both in person and online) and family I was convinced to having 6
weeks of radiotherapy in October. Christmas was bleak to be honest I always
love Christmas normally but with this looming beast in the background each
moment of joy was met by the realization that it could be my last Christmas. I
was so sure I was going to die to the point I had written up a set of requests
for when I was gone.
My operation arrived so quick March 25th almost 8
months to the finding of the tumour, after a 13-hour operation (being brought
around the next morning) I spent a week and a half in the John Radcliffe
Hospital in Oxford. The operation has been a success I do have nerve damage in
my left foot but considering I could have lost the use of my whole leg; so a
little damage to my floor is a small price to pay. I have months of
physiotherapy to go but the end of this chapter is a lot closer than it was at
the start of the year.
Over this year I found solace in YouTube Videos mostly
Outside Xtra, Outside Xbox and Eurogamer the videos and the people who made
them provided me many laughs in very dark moments. I also found love and
comfort in Wynonna Earp and the Earper fandom who feel more like family than
just fellow fans of the best goddamn shit-show ever. I personally owe so much
to the cast and crew for entertaining and distracting me during this year.
I found inspiration in Taeler Hendrix, a strong, friendly
and brilliant woman from the world of wrestling. Her tweets, inspirational
messages, videos and recent blogs have been a big comfort to me I hope she and
the Taeler Army see this and know the impact they have had on my life. I have
recently written a bucket list (Might write another blog about it all) on that
list is too “See a non WWE Wrestling show” and “Meet a Famous wrestler” if that
can be her I would be honoured.
I found friendship in a wonderful person named Elouise who
has been one of the biggest comforts in my life, the time we've spent together
this past year has made me feel near invincible, you've not only helped me put aside my problems but helped me with condifence too and I hope I can repay the
favour some day.
If any of the people mentioned above read this know that I
am forever in your debt, you made my life so much brighter and I’ll think of
you as family. I hope I can one day meet you all and thank you in person, but
as I can only contact you through the Internet for now this will have to do for
A great Sci-Fi (Firefly) once said, “When you can’t run you
crawl. And when you can’t crawl, you find someone to carry you.” This past year I have needed you people to
carry me, believe me I appreciate every second, every word of comfort and every
moment of putting up with me. From the bottom of my heart I love you all.
Hopefully my recovery will go well and i won't go through this yet again... but if I do i know plenty of wonderful people who can help when i feel down.