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A Thank You To My Online Family

What a year, this week marks a year I found I had cancer once again. I went to our local hospital A&E after weeks of suffering with pains in my hip, with my past medical problems they immediately did all the tests bloods, MRI, ETC. Going in to A&E on the Monday and leaving on the Friday knowing I had the worst news ever, I was done with it all I just wanted give up. I already had fought Leukaemia when I was 5 and I didn't want to go through the pain, stress and treatment of it all, I just wanted to live my life my way. Getting little sympathy from the Doctors I then turned to friends (both in person and online) and family I was convinced to having 6 weeks of radiotherapy in October. Christmas was bleak to be honest I always love Christmas normally but with this looming beast in the background each moment of joy was met by the realization that it could be my last Christmas. I was so sure I was going to die to the point I had written up a set of requests for when I was g...

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